Sunday, October 5, 2014

Review: Aldi Grocer

Hello there, good to see you again....

Buying groceries nowadays can be quite expensive, and sometime you won't get good quality either. I want to show you this awesome store called Aldi, where I prefer to purchase my groceries. When I first got married,we had no idea where the best place to shop for groceries for cheap without compromising the quality of products, so we went trial and error for a few times before  discovering this place. A lot of people think it's really ghetto because it doesn't look fancy and you have to pack your own grocery bags, but let me show you what Aldi has to offer and you can decide for yourself whether to give this place a try.

Oh, you might want to bring a quarter with you because in order to get a cart here you have to insert a quarter into a slot to unlock the cart (so you will have to return the cart yourself to get a quarter back so they don't have to hire cart returners). 

Also they don't have plastic bags so you have to bring your own bag or buy one in the store (they are very durable and nice). They have a bagging area for you, so when you've been checked out, the cashier will put your food in the cart and you have to bag everything yourself. Also, they only do debit here.

Now here is one of my favorite part of this store:

As you can see you can get organic extra virgin olive oil come straight from Spain, Italy, or Greece for just $3.99! How sweet is that!

They also carry the Simply Nature brand, which is an organic brand which is reasonably priced. Apple walnut cereal, my friends, is really delicious, and it doesn't have boatloads of unnecessary added sugar like most of the poplar cereals here in the US. Bonus that it's all organic!

As you can see the meat, vegetables and eggs are really cheap and I guaranteed you they are good quality too. So why shop anywhere else? 

Do not expect any added service because you won't get any! The cashier has to move the line fast, so if you can look over the service part, this store might just be your new best friend. 

Honestly, for the family who is middle class and trying to eat healthy, this is the best store. 

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