Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Opinion on Wine

This post is for people who are 21+ only.....because it will be painful for you to know all about this goodness and not be able to purchase any....legally.

We love drinking wine, especially the ones we can't pronounce (at least I can't anyway). This fermented grape juice is always the beverage of choice to bring to the dining table to pair with your dinner Also perfect for making conversation for the introverts when tipsy!

But of course, most wines are made from grapes, but there are also many good wines which are blended with other fruit such as apple, pears and, my favorite, cherries. 

There are many types of wine: red, white, rosé, fruit, sparkling wine, etc. To be completely honest, in my opinion, there is no fixed match for how to drink wine or which one you should drink to go with a certain food. I believe all can satisfy depending on the person. For example, many wine experts always say red wine MUST be served at room temperature. For me personally, I like all of my wines chilled, so trust me, you don't have to worry about how other people think. Drink it however you like..... You paid for the wine, did you not?

Color, Scent, and Taste 
Your first interaction with wine is its color. But how can you tell by looking? Pour some in the glass swirl it around, enjoying the art of dense liquid swishing around. Do not try to over think this step; go with the wine you like.

Now, the scent! (WARNING some people get tipsy just by smelling the wine.... I've seen it) Lift the glass close to your nose and breath in the aroma of the goodness in the glass, letting your imagination run. Maybe you can feel the richness of soil the grape grew in, or if it imported, maybe you can feel the soul of the country.

Here's the best part: after swirling and smelling the wine, now you just sip it. Yes I said sip, not drink it yet. This is because if you drink, you might not taste the wine completely. It will be quite disaster, so sip a little, move the liquid around in your mouth to taste it thoroughly, and then swallow and let your body decide. Depending on if it's sweet, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, it can be a completely different experience. Some famous dry wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon could be your favorite, but then again, sometimes it just a trend. There is no best wine; only the one which you are satisfied with the most. After tasting each wine, clean your pallet with a piece of oyster cracker, so you can taste the full potential of the next wine. 

You may think I am being vague about wine, but let me explain why. If you google "Cabernet Sauvignon" you will get a really good Wikipedia article about what it is and how to pronounce it correctly. You can do that easily. I know you might want to research the wine and its pronunciation before going to the store to buy one, but from my experience, it's best not to know anything at all when you go to the store or order at a restaurant. If you just read from the internet or a random book and go into the store trying to act like you know what you're doing, trust me, the store associates will know right away and may look down on you. The best way is to ask them for their opinions and how to pronounce the wines. They love to educate people on this kind of thing, and you will get a better service from their eagerness to please you with what they know. And if you just let them talk and you listen, they might tell you about good local wine in the store.  All you have to know is how to enjoy wine at it's best let the employee or waiter do their job and you will have a really nice conversation with them.

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