Sunday, October 5, 2014

Food Unites the World

Hello there, good to see you again.

If there is one thing that will bind people together, the matter that creates peace where every human races can live together with joy, the piece so vital that will solve the problem in the world, a weapon that can end all conflicts, it is this. Imagine you are wandering in the jungle, so famished you just wish you could be at diner somewhere, having a really nice cheeseburger, so juicy that it makes your entire month vibrate with the taste of pure beef. But now all you can think about is just finding anything to eat.

So then you begin foraging for herbs and vegetables and start hunting for game or any type of meat you can find. Afterwards, you start a fire and begin to slowly roast the meat that you freshly killed after rubbing the it with fresh herbs twining it with vegetables. You have just made yourself something for the purpose of not just surviving but also for the joy of eating well.

Maybe you can't picture that in your head..... how about this: You came home after a long day's work in the office, walk in to the kitchen and in your fridge there are only 2 eggs, green onion, and leftover rice from yesterday. Sighing, you really don't feel like going out to buy ingredients or eating out, so you decide just create something from what you have. Voila! It turns out to be one of the best fried rice dishes in the entire universe that you wouldn't trade for a million dollars.

Wouldn't it be nice if anything you cooked, no matter how limited ingredients, you could turn into something worth bragging about? Imagine if the majority of people around the world were able to do that! When you cook good food, it's human nature to want to share it. And sometimes when you've enjoyed a great masterpiece while eating out, you naturally are curious if you could duplicate the recipe at home.

This means if everybody can cook well, they would share with other people, keep learning new recipes, spices, techniques, and it will bring joy to the community, eagerly seeking to create something new everyday. Just imagine that how food can connect people from different backgrounds.

Food is not just the fuel that is essential for living. When you begin to see food in a different light, this is when the culture begins to experience peace. When a man can put down his gun to sit at a cafe and enjoy a nice cup of espresso, you can't find anything more human than that. When a mother gathers ingredients to make a meal for her children, using her desire to care to create something that will make them forget their poverty, this is not just food; this is love. One can taste the feeling in the food when it is meant to give you an experience. This is why so many times we are in love with our mother's cooking. Cuisine can take one many places, make us forget our conflicts, and remind us of the everyday joys in life that are all around us if we take the time to realize it.

Different types of people are just like different types of flowers: if it all scattered on the table, when the wind blows, they will all fly in different directions and destroy their unity. But when tied together, the harsh winds cannot destroy the bouquet; they will stay strong together.    

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