Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What is health/fitness supplement and why it's so important?


Health Supplement

In short health/fitness supplement is nutritional aids that enhance your performance. They're designed to supplement the food you eat, not replace it entirely. But of course, it is difficult to get all the necessary nutrients just by eating healthy food alone, that's why a supplement is very crucial in today's lifestyle.


Micronutrients, often referred to as vitamins and minerals, are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. Although only required in small amounts, micronutrients are not produced in the body and must be derived from the diet. Micronutrient deficiencies can have devastating consequences.

The micronutrients foundations


1. A Multivitamin

That includes all-important B vitamins: B1 - thiamin(energy), B2 - riboflavin(cell growth), B3 - niacin(cholesterol aids), and B9 - folate(red and white blood cells aids), which are crucial to the release of cellular energy and metabolism

Multivitamin Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Core Health

2. Vitamin D3

Which boosts bone health and immunity while fighting inflammation

Bone Fortify Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Bone Fortify

3. Magnesium

A key electrolyte that serves as a spark plug for your muscles

Energy Booster Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Matcha

4. Fish oil

Which contains omega-3 essential fatty acids that aid nutrient absorption and support overall health

Omega-3 Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Omega life-3 Resolv

5. A digestive enzyme

To support gut health and immune system function.

Digestive Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Cleanse


Proteins are among the most abundant molecules in your body, making up most of your skin, bones, organs, and muscle. Alongside fats and carbohydrates, proteins are one of the three macronutrients essential for energy production.

Protein is available in numerous whole foods, including meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, beans, and nuts. Supplement typically comes in powder form that can be blended into shakes, smoothies, water, or milk.

Casein, a dairy-derived protein, can be hard for some people to digest. Whey, also from dairy, is easier on the gut and contains more branched-chain amino acids(BCAAs). Options for those avoiding dairy include soy, pea, egg white, rice, hemp, or even insect protein......yes insect protein.

Protein is essential for building, maintaining, and repairing muscle. If you're not getting enough protein, you're likely to suffer muscle soreness and you're not going to be able to recover as quickly. When you eat enough protein, the carbs and fat take care of themselves.

Adults looking to build muscle and strength: 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, or 1 gram per pound of desired body weight, per day, as you can see it's very difficult to eat enough protein just from whole foods alone to meet the desired protein intake, that's why the supplement is very important.

Protein Supplement

Healthy tour travel - LC Base

How to choose supplements


1. Be skeptical with gimmick marketing product

Don't fall for a pumped-up product or pitch. There's little oversight of the outlandish claims made by many supplement producers, so instead of buying the hype, do your research on the product itself.

2. Buy from a trusted source

Look for a credible, knowledgeable supplier with ingredient information and research to back up its product. Seek out recommendations from your healthcare provider or accredited personal trainer, sports dietitian, or nutritionist. Guided to physicians' certified products



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