Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The world is in crisis right now, these 5 simple steps will solve your economic problems


Financial headache during the world crisis

Healthy tour travel - Flower

The year 2020 has been rough from the start, the world has been impacted the most by the coronavirus (COVID-19). We saw our favorite restaurants closed down, people are losing jobs. Most of us are not prepared for this event, and still trying to find the solutions to this COVID-19 crisis. We could not surely predict the future direction of how our life is going to be. What we can do is to try to solve the problem in accordance with our aspiration

Sure, everyday life problems can be caused by various factors, it is not only us who experience them, but it also happens locally and internationally. We all possess our good immunity in our minds; in Buddhism, it is called "Sugatavinayo"(the discipline of the fortunate one)

We have five causes to obtain our aspirations


1. Faith(saddha)
2. Virtue(sila)
3. Learning(suta)
4. Generosity(caga)
5. Wisdom(panna)


Today, we are going to solve the economic problems by using "Sugatavinayo"(the discipline of the fortunate one)

Healthy tour travel - Cloud

1. Faith(saddha)

In whom do we need to have faith? Our faith is well established; one who is completely dedicated to and has full confidence in him(in this text we're referring to the Buddha). Then, such a person will become virtuous. He engages in good bodily conduct and good verbal conduct according to what the Buddha mentioned.

2. Virtue - The standard in accordance with the Buddha is the five precepts.

2.1 They are to abstain from the destruction of life
2.2 They are to abstain from taking what is not given
2.3 They are to abstain from sexual misconduct
2.4 They are to abstain from false speech
2.5 They are to abstain from wine, liquor, and intoxicants
When we become virtuous, we will be the one who has learning(suta)

3. Learning(suta)

We learn from the one who we have faith in not the altered version of their teaching.

4. Generosity(caga)

Is the relinquishment, sharing. The relinquishment does not necessarily mean only consider things or money. Forgiving, giving, not exploiting(take advantage of) anyone is also generosity(caga) which is very difficult to give. Try to think of what you have been through for many years, have you ever forgiven anyone? Difficult doesn't it? That is because we barely give. To do no harm and not exploiting anyone, sacrificing, sharing, offering polite speech and good behavior, enduring and bearing from harsh speeches and sharp words are all generosity

The Buddha mentioned the suta(learning), ".....even if bandits were to sever you savagely limb by limb with a two-handled saw, our minds will remain unaffected, and we shall utter no evil words, we shall abide with a mind of loving-kindness towards that person. It is absolutely difficult to do so, but if you can do it, the Buddha said that "what else you cannot endure? Are there any harsh speeches, sharp words, and rudeness that hurt us and we cannot endure?" Even if the bandits were to sever you limb from limb with a two-handled saw, you still managed to endure it. Whoever can perform and follow what is said, nibbana(nirvana) is attained.

5. Wisdom(panna)

Now, we are starting to realize that everything that arises will eventually cease, what is it that we do every day, every second that arises then cease: Breathing! With each breath you take, your mind starts wandering in the past event or in the future then comes back to the present, that's wisdom; you have the ability to understand that nothing is permanent, arises, and cease every second.

Healthy tour travel - Buddha

Now, the mindfulness of breathing(anapanasati)

The mindfulness of breathing, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit. The Buddha said "....having gone to the forest, to the foot of a tree, or an empty hut, sits down. Having folded legs crosswise, straightened body, and set up mindfulness in front, just mindful breathes in, mindful breathes out.

"Breathing in long, we know: I breathe in long; or breathing out long, we know: I breathe out long."
"Breathing in short, we know: I breathe in short; or breathing out short, we know: I breathe out short."

That is what the Buddha himself taught how to meditate, once our mind is still and starting to realize that everything that arises will cease we will be able to get through no matter what the world throws at us

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