Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Amazing green tea benefits and why you should drink it daily


Green tea benefits and your health

Healthy tour travel - Green Tea

Before we get to the green tea benefits let's talk about what tea is. Tea originated in the region encompassing today's north Myanmar and southwestern China, where it was used as a medicinal drink by various ethnic groups in the region. The king of tea is definitely green tea: it has been praised for its medicinal properties for years, and the king has to have the crown jewel: For green tea the crown jewel is Matcha

What is Matcha?

Healthy tour travel - Matcha

Matcha is a type of green tea made by taking young tea leaves and grinding them into a bright green powder. This bright green miracle powder has been at the heart of the Japanese tea ceremony for over 900 years. You’ll find stories of Japanese Samurai drinking Matcha for extra strength before battles and Buddhist monks have honored Matcha for its ability to heighten concentration and enhance metabolism for centuries. So what is it that makes Matcha such a powerful super-food?


Matcha is filled with antioxidants and powerful EGCg’s. Antioxidants are the body’s defensive agents. They are chemical compounds that help your body prevent infection and disease. Matcha contains a unique type of antioxidant known as catechins or EGCg. These catechins counteract the degenerative effect that pollution, UV-rays, radiation, and chemicals can have on our body.


Boosts Metabolism and Burns Calories

Matcha can boost thermogenesis; increasing metabolism and helping the body burn fat more effectively.



During the last few weeks before harvest, Matcha plants are shaded to block them from sunlight. This shading causes the plant to increase its production of chlorophyll resulting in higher levels of chlorophyll when the plant is harvested. The increased chlorophyll levels help detoxify the blood and flush toxins out of your body. Best 3 steps to detox your body


Enhances Mood and Concentration

Certain amino acids can encourage relaxation and mental alertness. L-Theanine, the amino acid found in Matcha works with the body to reduce stress and promote the production of dopamine, serotonin, and alpha ways in the brain, all of which stimulate a more alert and simultaneously relaxed state of mind.



Matcha contains a healthy form of caffeine known as theophylline. This caffeine is different from the caffeine found in most coffee and energy drinks. The caffeine in Matcha releases slowly, giving you the boost you need without the crash.


Unicity Matcha

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Matcha

This carefully selected, ceremonial-grade Japanese Chi-Oka Matcha is rich in antioxidants and other vital nutrients. It's formulated to increase energy and mental concentration, as well as burn fat. Matcha for Natural Energy has additional benefits for enhanced energy.

Life is busy. Between a job, exercise, family, friends, and a never-ending list of errands, it can feel like there’s never enough time in a day
to get everything done. All too often feelings of exhaustion set in and before you know it your “to-do list” is longer than it was
when you started. Kick those tired days to the curb with Matcha. This unique chi-oka blend can help increase energy and concentration without the crash that accompanies most traditional energy drinks. Matcha has been specifically formulated to energize your body and mind,
giving you the vitality and clarity you need to fully experience and enjoy your life!



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