Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How to make sure the quality of health products is legitimate


PDR Prescribers' Digital Reference

We all want to live healthily and it is difficult to get all the necessary nutrients just by eating healthy food alone. We like to search for supplements that will give us more energy, clearer thoughts, help us lose weight, lower our blood pressure, etc. There are so many products available in the market but how do we know which one actually works and certified by physicians? Always reference the product with PDR(Prescribers' Digital Reference, Physicians' Desk Reference)

Healthy tour travel - PDR 2017

What is PDR?

Prescribers' Digital Reference is a commercially published compilation of manufacturers' prescribing information on prescription drugs, updated annually. It is a venerable US institution. For decades, US physicians would receive each year, a heavy volume containing the prescribing information for branded medications in current use(as of 2018 PDR is no longer publishing printed books). A model of convenience, it was a simple matter to look up approved indications, dosing recommendations, warnings, and precautions, etc. PDR is the most commonly used drug and wellness directory by physicians.

Healthy tour travel offers Unicity's products that listed on PDR (18 in total)

1. Unicity Balance(Cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and weight loss support)

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Balance


  Full PDR Prescribing Information


2. Unicity Core Health(Vitamins and Minerals support)

Healthy tour travel - Core Health

  Full PDR Prescribing Information 


3. Unicity Bio-C(High-potency vitamin C, immune system, heart, eyes, and skin support)

Healthy tour travel - Bio-C

Full PDR Prescribing Information 


4. Unicity Bios 7(Metabolic, microbiome support)

Healthy tour travel - Bios 7

Full PDR Prescribing Information 


5. Unicity Bios Life C Plus( Cholesterol, cardiovascular and digestive support) 

Healthy tour travel - Bios life 2

Full PDR Prescribing Information 


6. Unicity Matcha(Antioxidants, physical and mental energy support) 

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Matcha

Full PDR Prescribing Information


7.Unicity Probionic Plus(Probiotic, and digestive support)

Healthy tour travel - Unicity probionic plus

Full PDR Prescribing Information


8. Unicity Bios Life Vision Essentials(Vision support)

Healthy tour travel - Vision Essentials

Full PDR Prescribing Information


9.Unicity Cardio-Essentials(Heart support)

Healthy tour travel - Cardio Essentials

Full PDR Prescribing Information


10.Unicity CM Plex/CM Cream(Joint support)

Healthy tour travel - CM plex system

Full PDR Prescribing Information


11.Unicity Enzygen Plus(Digestive support)

Healthy tour travel - Enzygen plus

Full PDR Prescribing Information


12. Unicity Immunizen(Immune system support)

Healthy tour travel - Unicity immunizen

Full PDR Prescribing Information


13.Unicity Joint Mobility(Joint support)

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Joint Mobility

Full PDR Prescribing Information


14. Unicity LC Base(Meal replacement, muscle-building support)

Healthy tour travel - LC Base

Full PDR Prescribing Information


15.Unicity OmegaLife-3(Heart support)

Healthy tour travel - Omega life-3 Resolv

Full PDR Prescribing Information


16.Unicity CoQ10(Cardiovascular support)

Healthy tour travel - CoQ10

Full PDR Prescribing Information


17.Unicity Unimate(Energy and mood support)

Healthy tour travel - Unimate

Full PDR Prescribing Information


18.Unicity Unimate Fuel(Energy and mood support)

Healthy tour travel - Unimate Fuel

Full PDR Prescribing Information


Unicity has twice as many products in the PDR than any other nutraceutical company in the field. Healthy tour travel is proud to provide quality products trusted by physicians. We have products that will support almost every aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

What is health/fitness supplement and why it's so important?


Health Supplement

In short health/fitness supplement is nutritional aids that enhance your performance. They're designed to supplement the food you eat, not replace it entirely. But of course, it is difficult to get all the necessary nutrients just by eating healthy food alone, that's why a supplement is very crucial in today's lifestyle.


Micronutrients, often referred to as vitamins and minerals, are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. Although only required in small amounts, micronutrients are not produced in the body and must be derived from the diet. Micronutrient deficiencies can have devastating consequences.

The micronutrients foundations


1. A Multivitamin

That includes all-important B vitamins: B1 - thiamin(energy), B2 - riboflavin(cell growth), B3 - niacin(cholesterol aids), and B9 - folate(red and white blood cells aids), which are crucial to the release of cellular energy and metabolism

Multivitamin Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Core Health

2. Vitamin D3

Which boosts bone health and immunity while fighting inflammation

Bone Fortify Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Bone Fortify

3. Magnesium

A key electrolyte that serves as a spark plug for your muscles

Energy Booster Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Matcha

4. Fish oil

Which contains omega-3 essential fatty acids that aid nutrient absorption and support overall health

Omega-3 Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Omega life-3 Resolv

5. A digestive enzyme

To support gut health and immune system function.

Digestive Supplement

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Cleanse


Proteins are among the most abundant molecules in your body, making up most of your skin, bones, organs, and muscle. Alongside fats and carbohydrates, proteins are one of the three macronutrients essential for energy production.

Protein is available in numerous whole foods, including meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, beans, and nuts. Supplement typically comes in powder form that can be blended into shakes, smoothies, water, or milk.

Casein, a dairy-derived protein, can be hard for some people to digest. Whey, also from dairy, is easier on the gut and contains more branched-chain amino acids(BCAAs). Options for those avoiding dairy include soy, pea, egg white, rice, hemp, or even insect protein......yes insect protein.

Protein is essential for building, maintaining, and repairing muscle. If you're not getting enough protein, you're likely to suffer muscle soreness and you're not going to be able to recover as quickly. When you eat enough protein, the carbs and fat take care of themselves.

Adults looking to build muscle and strength: 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, or 1 gram per pound of desired body weight, per day, as you can see it's very difficult to eat enough protein just from whole foods alone to meet the desired protein intake, that's why the supplement is very important.

Protein Supplement

Healthy tour travel - LC Base

How to choose supplements


1. Be skeptical with gimmick marketing product

Don't fall for a pumped-up product or pitch. There's little oversight of the outlandish claims made by many supplement producers, so instead of buying the hype, do your research on the product itself.

2. Buy from a trusted source

Look for a credible, knowledgeable supplier with ingredient information and research to back up its product. Seek out recommendations from your healthcare provider or accredited personal trainer, sports dietitian, or nutritionist. Guided to physicians' certified products



Detoxing your body with these 3 simple steps


Why do you need detoxing?

Your body is bombarded with pollutants and toxins daily. They're in processed foods, in the products you use, and in your environment. Fortunately, your body is designed to manage these toxins. Your liver, kidneys, and colon work together to ensure these harmful compounds don't make it into your bloodstream. When this system is not running properly, you can experience fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, headaches, and joint and muscle pain. A perfect way to re-start your digestive system is detoxing

Healthy tour travel - Vegetables

Regularly detoxing your body ensures it is running efficiently and absorbing the right nutrients. When we consume a lot of sugar, we increase the number of bad bacteria in our gut. Why does that matter? When we have too much bad bacteria in our gut, the good bacteria can’t flourish like it should. The large intestine is one of the most diverse and metabolically active organs in our bodies. If you want to improve your digestion and absorption of food, your immune system, manage your appetite, and more, you’ve got to improve your gut health.

The complete detoxing system

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Cleanse

Unicity Cleanse is a complete system which helps to gently rid your body of toxins that build up over time. A powerful 30-day system containing a carefully chosen combination of all-natural cleansing and digestive health products to neutralize and dislodge toxins and waste, and remove them from your body.

Using Cleanse will help:

1. Clear your body of toxins and other wastes

2. Promote overall digestive health

3. Safely and naturally stimulate regularity

4. Provide both soluble and insoluble fiber

5. Support a healthy immune system

6. Jumpstart weight loss


What to expect?

The process of detoxing your body with Cleanse may cause some initial mild discomfort. While rare, this discomfort may include: blemishes, constipation, cramping, diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea, and changes in your urine and stool, including organisms in your stool. As your body adjusts to detoxing, these uncomfortable symptoms will gradually diminish, and then disappear completely. However, if any of these symptoms persist, discontinue use and contact your doctor.


Healthy tour travel - Unicity Cleanse


3 Steps to detoxing

1. Paraway Plus

Healthy tour travel - Paraway Plus

With a proprietary blend of the best herbal ingredients recognized for their cleansing properties, Paraway Plus is a unique and comprehensive product designed to help your body eliminate unwanted organisms. Paraway Plus provides the benefits of black walnut hull, pumpkin seed, cloves, sage leaf, garlic bulb, gentian root, hyssop leaf, fenugreek seed, chamomile flower, black pepper fruit, peppermint leaf, thyme leaf, fennel seed, and chlorophyll. Paraway Plus is included in Unicity Cleanse, a system designed to support healthy digestion and help prevent parasites.



Healthy tour travel - Unicity LiFiber

Unicity LiFiber provides ample high-quality dietary fiber (both soluble and insoluble) and herbs that are beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract. Studies indicate that soluble fiber may help reduce blood cholesterol, while insoluble fiber passes quickly through the digestive system and helps clear the colon of toxins and other wastes.

Healthy tour travel - Unicity LiFiber

3. Nature's Tea

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Nature's Tea

Unicity Nature’s Tea promotes digestive health with a natural, gentle approach. A proprietary blend of herbs provides relief from periodic constipation, aids in cleansing the digestive tract, and
may reduce bloating


Re-booting your system by detoxing

A perfect 3-part re-boot for your system. These products cleanse the gut of bad bacteria that builds up during the sugar-loaded (along with the good bacteria, because there is no way to isolate only the bad in a cleanse.) Once cleansed, the products help to promote healthy bacteria and restart your gut from start to finish.



  • Drink at least 64 ounces(8 cups) of water each day
  • To repopulate the gut with good bacteria use Probionic. Probionic restores the balance of healthy bacteria to your gut. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also deliciousHealthy tour travel - Unicity Probionic Plus
  • Take supplements to boost up your health click here to read about why supplements are crucially important to live a healthy life




Amazing green tea benefits and why you should drink it daily


Green tea benefits and your health

Healthy tour travel - Green Tea

Before we get to the green tea benefits let's talk about what tea is. Tea originated in the region encompassing today's north Myanmar and southwestern China, where it was used as a medicinal drink by various ethnic groups in the region. The king of tea is definitely green tea: it has been praised for its medicinal properties for years, and the king has to have the crown jewel: For green tea the crown jewel is Matcha

What is Matcha?

Healthy tour travel - Matcha

Matcha is a type of green tea made by taking young tea leaves and grinding them into a bright green powder. This bright green miracle powder has been at the heart of the Japanese tea ceremony for over 900 years. You’ll find stories of Japanese Samurai drinking Matcha for extra strength before battles and Buddhist monks have honored Matcha for its ability to heighten concentration and enhance metabolism for centuries. So what is it that makes Matcha such a powerful super-food?


Matcha is filled with antioxidants and powerful EGCg’s. Antioxidants are the body’s defensive agents. They are chemical compounds that help your body prevent infection and disease. Matcha contains a unique type of antioxidant known as catechins or EGCg. These catechins counteract the degenerative effect that pollution, UV-rays, radiation, and chemicals can have on our body.


Boosts Metabolism and Burns Calories

Matcha can boost thermogenesis; increasing metabolism and helping the body burn fat more effectively.



During the last few weeks before harvest, Matcha plants are shaded to block them from sunlight. This shading causes the plant to increase its production of chlorophyll resulting in higher levels of chlorophyll when the plant is harvested. The increased chlorophyll levels help detoxify the blood and flush toxins out of your body. Best 3 steps to detox your body


Enhances Mood and Concentration

Certain amino acids can encourage relaxation and mental alertness. L-Theanine, the amino acid found in Matcha works with the body to reduce stress and promote the production of dopamine, serotonin, and alpha ways in the brain, all of which stimulate a more alert and simultaneously relaxed state of mind.



Matcha contains a healthy form of caffeine known as theophylline. This caffeine is different from the caffeine found in most coffee and energy drinks. The caffeine in Matcha releases slowly, giving you the boost you need without the crash.


Unicity Matcha

Healthy tour travel - Unicity Matcha

This carefully selected, ceremonial-grade Japanese Chi-Oka Matcha is rich in antioxidants and other vital nutrients. It's formulated to increase energy and mental concentration, as well as burn fat. Matcha for Natural Energy has additional benefits for enhanced energy.

Life is busy. Between a job, exercise, family, friends, and a never-ending list of errands, it can feel like there’s never enough time in a day
to get everything done. All too often feelings of exhaustion set in and before you know it your “to-do list” is longer than it was
when you started. Kick those tired days to the curb with Matcha. This unique chi-oka blend can help increase energy and concentration without the crash that accompanies most traditional energy drinks. Matcha has been specifically formulated to energize your body and mind,
giving you the vitality and clarity you need to fully experience and enjoy your life!



The world is in crisis right now, these 5 simple steps will solve your economic problems


Financial headache during the world crisis

Healthy tour travel - Flower

The year 2020 has been rough from the start, the world has been impacted the most by the coronavirus (COVID-19). We saw our favorite restaurants closed down, people are losing jobs. Most of us are not prepared for this event, and still trying to find the solutions to this COVID-19 crisis. We could not surely predict the future direction of how our life is going to be. What we can do is to try to solve the problem in accordance with our aspiration

Sure, everyday life problems can be caused by various factors, it is not only us who experience them, but it also happens locally and internationally. We all possess our good immunity in our minds; in Buddhism, it is called "Sugatavinayo"(the discipline of the fortunate one)

We have five causes to obtain our aspirations


1. Faith(saddha)
2. Virtue(sila)
3. Learning(suta)
4. Generosity(caga)
5. Wisdom(panna)


Today, we are going to solve the economic problems by using "Sugatavinayo"(the discipline of the fortunate one)

Healthy tour travel - Cloud

1. Faith(saddha)

In whom do we need to have faith? Our faith is well established; one who is completely dedicated to and has full confidence in him(in this text we're referring to the Buddha). Then, such a person will become virtuous. He engages in good bodily conduct and good verbal conduct according to what the Buddha mentioned.

2. Virtue - The standard in accordance with the Buddha is the five precepts.

2.1 They are to abstain from the destruction of life
2.2 They are to abstain from taking what is not given
2.3 They are to abstain from sexual misconduct
2.4 They are to abstain from false speech
2.5 They are to abstain from wine, liquor, and intoxicants
When we become virtuous, we will be the one who has learning(suta)

3. Learning(suta)

We learn from the one who we have faith in not the altered version of their teaching.

4. Generosity(caga)

Is the relinquishment, sharing. The relinquishment does not necessarily mean only consider things or money. Forgiving, giving, not exploiting(take advantage of) anyone is also generosity(caga) which is very difficult to give. Try to think of what you have been through for many years, have you ever forgiven anyone? Difficult doesn't it? That is because we barely give. To do no harm and not exploiting anyone, sacrificing, sharing, offering polite speech and good behavior, enduring and bearing from harsh speeches and sharp words are all generosity

The Buddha mentioned the suta(learning), ".....even if bandits were to sever you savagely limb by limb with a two-handled saw, our minds will remain unaffected, and we shall utter no evil words, we shall abide with a mind of loving-kindness towards that person. It is absolutely difficult to do so, but if you can do it, the Buddha said that "what else you cannot endure? Are there any harsh speeches, sharp words, and rudeness that hurt us and we cannot endure?" Even if the bandits were to sever you limb from limb with a two-handled saw, you still managed to endure it. Whoever can perform and follow what is said, nibbana(nirvana) is attained.

5. Wisdom(panna)

Now, we are starting to realize that everything that arises will eventually cease, what is it that we do every day, every second that arises then cease: Breathing! With each breath you take, your mind starts wandering in the past event or in the future then comes back to the present, that's wisdom; you have the ability to understand that nothing is permanent, arises, and cease every second.

Healthy tour travel - Buddha

Now, the mindfulness of breathing(anapanasati)

The mindfulness of breathing, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit. The Buddha said "....having gone to the forest, to the foot of a tree, or an empty hut, sits down. Having folded legs crosswise, straightened body, and set up mindfulness in front, just mindful breathes in, mindful breathes out.

"Breathing in long, we know: I breathe in long; or breathing out long, we know: I breathe out long."
"Breathing in short, we know: I breathe in short; or breathing out short, we know: I breathe out short."

That is what the Buddha himself taught how to meditate, once our mind is still and starting to realize that everything that arises will cease we will be able to get through no matter what the world throws at us

What, why, and how do we meditate?

What, why, and how do we meditate?

Healthy tour travel - Meditate

Anapanasati(The mindfulness of breathing)

Buddha said:

“Bhikkhus(Buddhist monk), the mindfulness of breathing, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit. And how, bhikkhus, is mindfulness of breathing developed and cultivated so that it is of great fruit and benefit?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, having gone to the forest, to the foot of a tree, or an empty hut, sits down. Having folded his legs crosswise, straightened his body, and set up mindfulness in front of him, just mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out. “Breathing in long, he knows: “I breathe in long’; or breathing out long, he knows: ‘I breathe out long.“Breathing in short, he knows: ‘I breathe in short’; or breathing out short, he knows: ‘I breathe out short.’"

Healthy tour travel - Meditation

If your mind moves from your breath, the Buddha told us to cease the delight, bring the mind back to the breath. This is all you need to do. If you have the wisdom to examine that when the mind moves that is when the mind is not knowing the breath. Such as thinking about the past, got carried away for a while then you pull back to the breath, the thought about the past will disappear, the breath will be known again. This is seeing the arising and vanishing of the mind.

7 Benefits of Anapanasati

1. One attains final knowledge early in this very life.
2. If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life, then one attains final knowledge at the time of death.
3. If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life or at the time of death, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes an attainer of Nibbana(Nirvana) in the interval.
4. If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life...or become an attainer of Nibbana in the interval, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer of Nibbana upon landing.
5. If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life...or become an attainer of Nibbana upon landing, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer of Nibbana without exertion.
6. If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life...or become an attainer of Nibbana without exertion, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters, one becomes an attainer of Nibbana with exertion.
7. “If one does not attain final knowledge early in this very life...or become an attainer of Nibbana with exertion, then with the utter destruction of the five lower fetters one becomes one bound upstream, heading towards the Akanittha(deity) realm.


The final knowledge(Abhijna)

Obtained through virtuous living and meditation. The attainment of the four jhanas, or meditative absorptions, are considered a prerequisite for their attainment.


Jhanas(the training of the mind)

To withdraw the mind from the automatic responses to sense-impressions, and leading to a "state of perfect equanimity(mental calmness) and awareness


In conclusion

Always be aware of your breathing ".....the mindfulness of breathing, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit"

Here is the exact word of what Buddha said over 2500 years ago anapanasati

Healthy tour travel - Lotus