Friday, October 16, 2015

Surrounded by Reality

There are so many times when you feel down, but there is one song that has just the right message to lift you up and keep you going. You see things everyday, sometimes so alluring that they can cause you to forget to appreciate what you already have. It makes you want it so bad that you don't think of the consequences. I know that sometimes you just like things to be that way, because it's fun to think about it, and it's challenging. You want to see if you can do it, but of course the moral way is to abandon that thinking and get yourself back on track. You don't think of consequences because you never experienced what it's like, or you just hope that things will just turn out fine. 

We like to have our fantasy world where everything goes our way, and as you know, unfortunately the world doesn't work like that. I know it sucks it really sucks, why do we have to follow the rules, why do we have to work hard, but it does make sense if you think about it. If the criminal way of thinking prevails all the time, it will be disastrous. We don't care as long as it doesn't effect us directly. 

Unfortunately, we have to think about others who share the same planet we live on. Heck, we all know it would be nice if people are just nice to each other all the time, but we have our little spaces that we just don't want to interact with anyone. With that being said, the best we can do is to minimize the pain and disappointment that we are guaranteed to face everyday to it's smallest. 

The key is to be moderate in everything; when you are engaging with someone, don't be too excited or too gloomy towards people. It's all about satisfaction: if you're not truly satisfied fake it. I did say minimize, not genuinely express, so whenever, wherever or whatever the situation is, always remember to be satisfied, and if not, fake it, and your life will be a little easier.

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